Need the Evidence that You are Complying with HLP Status?....
“Get a Personalised Healthy Living Portfolio With a 100% Money Back Guarantee”
The background:
Being a Healthy Living Pharmacy Level 1, you must now comply with the ongoing rules as part of the CPCF requirements and may have inspections to confirm you are doing so.
The solution:
To ensure that you pass these inspections with flying colours we have developed a HLP portfolio, similar to our DSP folder format, which contains all the evidence you require to prove that you are following the guidelines as stated in the Public Health document.
It has a workplan, giving you detailed instructions on what you need to do to prove you are maintaining your team and premises in the way NHSE&I wishes you to, to justify being an HLP.
What we do for you:
When you order one, we will include a full print out of the Health Profiles for your local area, so you can train your team on the particular health problems that are causing most concern to your health and social teams.
This will also indicate which additional services might be most successful in your pharmacy. We will print the front page of the reports for your local JSNA and PNA as they are too large to print in their entirety, and include the web addresses for you to access them.
If you receive our Healthy Living Leaflets and/ or our Healthy Living Zone flyers, we will include a couple of copies to demonstrate to the inspectors that you are proactive in encouraging your local community to live healthier lifestyles. We suggest you continue to retain a copy each month to add to this section.
What you need to do:
Much of the evidence asked for, consists of pictures of your shop, consulting room, staff training, staff talking to clients etc. This means you will have to take pictures using your smart phone and print them out to put in the appropriate sections along with certificates for the various training you and your staff have undertaken.
Take action now:
You can buy the HLP Portfolio for only £264.87+VAT+P&P and we are so confident of our new product that we will give you a full refund if you feel the product is not as good as we said it was.
Pay by Debit/Credit Card, and you will receive a further 10% off! (15% for members).
Also, if you order more than one folder, any additional folders will cost only £145.07+VAT+P&P!
Give one of our team a ring on 0151 653 5525 / 3115 and buy the folder. Once this is done you will have a personalised comprehensive folder to show you take your duties as a HLP seriously. So, what are you waiting for - you know how good our products are - just order it now and if you don’t think it is what we promised return for a full refund.