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New Medicine Service (NMS)

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What do pharmacists making profit know that you don't yet?

Why should you continue losing money because you've decided the New Medicine Service is too complicated?

...that they can make money from NMS

To make the conversation with your clients about the drugs they are on easier, we have ploughed through all the information on NMS so you could have a comprehensive but simple to use package. You probably think there is no way this could be done but let me explain…


What you get is...


  • 3 indexed, personalised, professional looking folders based on the drugs, to act as a resource for NMS, with a USB so you can constantly print out all the resources like patient information leaflet about the service and healthy living sheets to give to your clients etc.

  • Full instructions on how to start up the service.

  • Your own single sheet (double sided) Patient Record form which includes the consent form, the ethnicity recording, an appointment system and full NMS progress and advice given. This makes recording and storage really simple. It is on the USB so it can be reprinted whenever it is needed.

  • A patient leaflet and a letter of introduction to your GPs

  • An SOP to explain how the service should be run


On top of this, we have created...


  • Clinical sections about some of the conditions, which act as a refresher course for you and your pharmacists.

  • Detailed Mind maps for the drug classes providing easy reference of doses, contraindications, side effects and whether the drugs can be used in pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal or hepatic impairment - these mean you don’t have to plough through the BNF to answer any questions your clients ask you

  • SOPs for giving self care advice on a variety of topics, which are customisable for you.

For this fantastic product...


Folder 1 is just £397.97+ VAT + P&P. For any additional shops, it is £337.47 + VAT + P&P.


Folders 2 & 3 are £605 + VAT + P&P for both folders (£484 + VAT + P&P for additional shops).

Folders 1, 2 & 3 are £907.50 + VAT + P&P (£786.50 + VAT + P&P for additional shops).


If you pay by credit card, you receive another 10% off (15% for members)




As with all our services, there is a 100% money back guarantee if you do not think the service is as promised.


What to do next...


Just say yes NOW to a system that provides professional, personalised and easy to use forms, SOPs, and guidance for the New Medicine Service by calling Lisa, Emma, Julie or Abi

on 0151 653 5525/3115.

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