Community Pharmacy Starter Pack

As Low As...
£999.00 + P&P and VAT
We have created a pack that covers the basic stuff you need to run a pharmacy these days. It has:
124 robust SOPs plus folders, each with contents pages for easy storage and retrieval Details
40 forms which are adaptable, easy to fill in and personalisable to your pharmacy Details
One Clinical audit analysed by us with full instructions, data collection forms and a free clipboard Details
12 months of Personalised Healthy Living Leaflets supplied as a pdf, which is perfect for adding to your website, NHS choices, facebook and emailing to your best clients. You can also print it out and use it as a customer retention marketing tool in your pharmacy Details
20 Personalised Practice Leaflets which are brightly designed to encourage your clients to read them. You only need a few (and definitely not thousands) so they are easy to store and present to the public Details
One year's Patient Survey which will fulfil your requirements for a year with a report to forward to your LAT, display and publish on your website Details
CPD Folder and FREE motivational workshop The folder contains material to cover 5 to 7 pieces of CPD evidence including two reflection entries. You will get the most out of these folders if you come to one of our very enjoyable workshops Details
Save up to £841.55+vat...
Normally all this would cost you £1876.48 + p&p+VAT, but as a starter pack you will get it for just £1110.00 + p&p+VAT, saving you £766.48.
Not only that, but If you pay in advance by Credit or Debit card or BACS you get a further 10% off. That's £999.90 +p&p+vat.
Buy your starter pack now and don't forget, if you feel that it has not saved you time and money, just send it back for a full refund but please tell us why because we want to make sure we are always providing the gold standard of what our clients want.
Go on then...